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MateriAntica aims to transport you to ancient environments, to get excited and guide you in creating or recovering these environments. 

MateriAntica supplies recovery building materials for renovations and furnishings of all kinds, but above all, it knows how to tell the story of each single piece it proposes, as a guarantee of originality and authenticity. It is also available for the purchase and sale of this material and, being a trademark of Mondo Edil, it is able to provide essential services such as: Free demolition of buildings with material recovery , it uses expert hands for recovery, cleaning, selection, storage and conservative restoration  of materials and objects, and it uses equally professional hands for the installation and treatment of materials. It is able to organize transports also of exceptional loads and it is available for consultancy, ideas, advices and custom design of environments and renovations.  





MateriAntica is available for free demolition by evaluating the resulting recovery material, through free inspections. Thanks to the collaboration with the construction company Mondoedil srl, MateriAntica makes use of a team equipped for special jobs including RESTRUCTURING and CONSERVATIVE RESTORATIONS. RECOVERY is carried out with great care and attention to materials

MateriAntica è disponibile a demolizioni gratuite valutando il materiale di recupero che ne deriva, mediante sopralluoghi gratuiti. Grazie alla collaborazione con l’impresa edile Mondoedil srl si avvale di un team attrezzato per lavori particolari anche di RISTRUTTURAZIONE e RESTAURO CONSERVATIVO. Il RECUPERO viene svolto con spiccata attenzione e cura dei materiali.

MateriAntica è disponibile a demolizioni gratuite valutando il materiale di recupero che ne deriva, mediante sopralluoghi gratuiti. Grazie alla collaborazione con l’impresa edile Mondoedil srl si avvale di un team attrezzato per lavori particolari anche di RISTRUTTURAZIONE e RESTAURO CONSERVATIVO. Il RECUPERO viene svolto con spiccata attenzione e cura dei materiali.



The materials, each piece, item and object recovered, pass into kind and expert hands for a meticulous cleaning, selection and storage. Ready for delivery or for eventual restoration if necessary

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Thanks to industry professionals, everything recovered maintains the original appearance, the signs of time, the original glaze of the past. MateriAntica prefers to let each piece be able to tell its own story and becomes available for further restoration interventions that improve the contextualization or installation of the element according to the various needs of the customer



A team of workers specialized in restructuring, masters of installation and treatment of old materials for floors, roofs and buildings, is available for the job itself or even just for practical maintenance tips



Thanks to the close cooperation with Mondoedil, MateriAntica can guarantee packaging and transportation of materials also with heavy vehicles if necessary, throughout Italy and abroad

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MateriAntica provides consulting and advices for products and services it offers and, thanks to the collaboration with Engineers and Architects, it provides custom designs for interior and exterior environments and renovations

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Tel and Fax 0733 602952 - Mob. 339 6368369

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Opening time: FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8: 30 - 13: 00 / 14: 30-18: 30  - SATURDAY FROM 9:00 - 13:00


SATURDAY in the afternoon and SUNDAY by appointment

Our office is easily accessible: from the Ancona Nord exit (motorway A14) just follow signs for Jesi expressway exit (Jesi ovest Cingoli) and continue towards Cingoli. You can find us at Via S.Anastasio 15 / b 62011 Cingoli MC

materiantica mappa cingoli

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Site produced and created by Studio Il Segno

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